The Incredible Honey Bee

The Incredible Honey Bee

Bees are amazing! Here are a few facts about the Incredible Honey Bee: * September is National Honey Month. * A honey bee can fly up to 15 miles per hour. * The average worker honey bee makes about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime. * To make 1 pound of...

Propolis Facts

Propolis is made by honey bees as they collect the resins of various trees and flower buds. The bees use this wax like compound to repair damage to the hive and sanitize their home. It is also used to entomb insects or small animals that were killed in the hive and...
Healing with Honey

Healing with Honey

Sometimes, animals and article focus are amazingly familiar. Such was the case with a paper produced by a three-way collaboration among our own hospital professionals. Delivered in the Journal of the Elephant Managers Association in 2004 and revisited in several other...
Royal Jelly Facts

Royal Jelly Facts

What Is Royal Jelly? Royal Jelly is a nutritious, milky-white creamy liquid secreted by the hypopharryngeal glands of the nurse bee. With it’s incredibly strong flavor and pudding like consistency, queen bees live only from the substance which accounts for their...
Bee Pollen Facts

Bee Pollen Facts

Bee Pollen – Nature’s Most Perfect Food! What Is Bee Pollen? In its original state, pollen is a fine powder composed of thousands of microscopic particles which are discharged from the anther of a flower, and is the male element of the plant which...

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