Our Team

We’ve assembled a wonderful group of dedicated employees that allow Hunter’s Honey Farm to continue its legacy of excellence. From beekeeping to bottling honey to creating tasty treats such as our Honey Caramel Puffs and Honey Ice Cream, our team works diligently to make life sweeter for all our customers. 

tracy-2 Our Team

Tracy Hunter


Chris Our Team

Chris Hunter



Ross-Hunter Our Team

Ross Hunter

Mackenzie-Photo-February-2024 Our Team

Mackenzie Hunter

IMG_5418-1-scaled Our Team

Erin Huff

lisa-Edit Our Team

Lisa Teeters

HHF-Elijah-York-1-scaled Our Team

Elijah York

donna-Edit Our Team

Donna Booth

IMG_1194-scaled Our Team

Kelly Beesley

IMG_5410-scaled Our Team

Wes Gaines

Katie Our Team


Violet Our Team


HHF-Elly-scaled Our Team


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