(2 customer reviews)

5 Frame Nuc

This is a 5 frame nuc made from our over-wintered hives.  It contains a 2025 gentle queen and we install it into your equipment for you at no extra charge. Each nuc comes with probiotics, 5 lbs. of sugar, and a pollen patty. There is no frame exchange for our nucs, so you will end up with 5 extra frames to keep.  And we make ourselves available by phone if you have questions or need assistance after you get your bees home.

Please call if you are interested. We cannot take orders on the website. Thank you! 765-537-9430

SKU: bees-nucs Category:

2 reviews for Nucs- TAKING ORDERS FOR 2025

  1. Hunter A Burchett

    I got a nuc from Hunter’s honey farm a in May 2017, the staff took great care to hand pick good frames to get me going. Melissa showed me the queen, the recently laid brood and capped brood as well as a frame with a little honey on it to get the bee’s moving. And made sure they knew that they were available should I have any questions.

  2. Kara Miner


    I inspected my hives today and was shocked to see how many bees I have from the nucleus colonies you recently sold me.

    They’ve filled two deep boxes with brood and bees, plus are into supers already.

    There are multiple swarm cells and I think I’m too late. Some of the queen cells are already capped. There’s so many bees, I think it would be almost impossible for me to stop the impulse to swarm anyway.

    I never dreamed I’d have that problem with two deeps and a super in the first year! Ha!

    I’ll be watching the trees and bushes in the next few days!

    Shane B. Williams

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