locust-blossom-1-1024x683 Black Locust Honey: A Rare Treat

Customers love our Locust Blossom honey – with good reason! 

Black locust trees produce one of the rarest types of honey in Indiana due to the need for the perfect weather and the short time frame that the nectar remains on the trees. Oftentimes, the spring rains wash the nectar away before the bees get a chance to collect it themselves. This is why our supply of Locust Blossom Honey is often limited.

Locust honey, also known as Acacia honey, is known for its mild flavor and low acid content. This makes it the perfect pairing with fresh cheeses, yogurt, fruit, and ice cream. Because of its high fructose content, it remains liquid and does not crystallize as easily as other types of honey.

locust-honey-e1560022396516-1024x854 Black Locust Honey: A Rare Treat

Because we’re only able to carry small quantities of this delicious honey, it is only be available in our 8-oz. and 2-oz. bottles at our gift shop and our three farmers markets (Indy, Carmel, and Bloomington). We invite you to visit us at one of these locations for a free sample!

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